Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from London Songwriters!
And we are looking forward to the New Year too… we are running our next Melody Writing Evening Course using the excellent classrooms and facilities of WeWork in Moorgate – you can book now at a Christmas 22% discount.
Also, don’t miss your last chance to register for a Christmas 10% discount on our magical Spring Peak District Retreat taking place in April – ONLY ONE PLACE LEFT!
As always we are raising money for the Crisis At Christmas homeless charity:
Donate to Crisis At Christmas!
You can also donate by downloading our charity single It’s Christmas (Support The Crisis Charity!) – all proceeds to Crisis.
And you can stream our Christmas playlist from Spotify – don’t forget to follow us:
Here is the interview we did with London Live TV News about London Songwriters and about our work with Crisis in recent years. It hasn’t been possible to play the Day Centres this year but you can still support the charity.