Category Archives: London Songwriters

December 2020 Lyrics Course

We are running our fully interactive online Lyrics Evening Course this December.

The 3-part Write Great Lyrics Course starts Wednesday 2nd December from 7-9pm. It will teach basic & advanced techniques to make your lyrics truly stand out. From deceptively Simple Language to Sophisticated Wordplay the course will inspire you to Plan, Progress & Perfect your lyrics in any genre. The Course is £20 per session & for a limited time you can book all 3 for a 20% discount of just £47.

02, 09 & 16/12/20 – WRITE GREAT LYRICS – 3-Week Evening Course

“Great presentations. Lots of really useful detailed information, delivered in a way that made it both fun and easy to understand.”


September Melody Writing Course

We are running a comprehensive fully interactive online Melody Writing Evening Course this September.

Our 4-part WRITE GREAT MELODIES Evening Course will teach basic & advanced techniques to make memorable melodies that stand the test of time. The Course is £20 per standalone session & for a limited time you can book at just £47 for the remaining 3 sessions!.

15, 22 & 29/9 – WRITE GREAT MELODIES – 3 Week Evening Course

“Great presentations. Lots of really useful detailed information, delivered in a way that made it both fun and easy to understand.”WRITE GREAT MELODIES 4 Week Evening Course

I’ve taken 5 different workshops in the past 3 years & have never seen a facilitator approach this subject with such a straightforward method of analysing song structure in order to replicate successful writing techniques.”

Fast-Track Your Lyric Writing

We are running our latest fully interactive online Lyrics Evening Course this August.

Our 3-part Write Great Lyrics Course starts Tuesday 11th August from 7-9pm. It will teach basic & advanced techniques to make your lyrics truly stand out – from Simple & Direct to Stunning Sophisticated Wordplay. The Course is £20 per session & for a limited time you can book all 3 for just £47.

11, 18 & 25/08/20 – WRITE GREAT LYRICS – 3-Week Evening Course

“Great presentations. Lots of really useful detailed information, delivered in a way that made it both fun and easy to understand.”

Summer Lyrics & Melody Courses

We are running two complementary fully interactive online Lyrics & Melody Evening Courses this July.

Our 3-part Write Great Lyrics Course starts Tuesday 21st July & will teach basic & advanced techniques to make your lyrics truly stand out. The Course is £20 per session & for a limited time you can book for just £47.

Our 4-part Write Great Melodies Course will teach basic & advanced techniques to make memorable melodies that stand the test of time. The Course is £20 per session & for a limited time you can book for just £67 (£47 for the remaining 3 sessions!).

“Great presentations. Lots of really useful detailed information, delivered in a way that made it both fun and easy to understand.”

London Songwriters Teaching


London Songwriters 11th Anniversary

We at London Songwriters have just entered our 12th year running regular affordable Workshops, Evening Courses and Countryside Retreats encouraging our members’ Songcraft, Collaboration and Songshare skills! It’s hugely gratifying to see attendees regularly producing better and better quality songs and going on to schedule showcases, EP / album launches and radio / digital releases.

To help us celebrate our Birthday you can use checkout discount code JUNE2020 for a further 20% off this month’s Song Clinic and Lyric Writing Workshops ☺
London Songwriters Teaching

Happy February!

Happy February! and wishing you a marvellous month of melodic music making! ☺

Here are some upcoming London Songwriters events to support your writing.

Wednesday February 5th sees the last run of our popular, comprehensive Lyric Writing: The Essential Guide! – 2 Week Evening Course, It’s a series of two interactive presentations with accompanying exercises packed with advanced techniques to make your lyrics really stand out in any genre.

They take place on Wednesday 5th, & 12th at WeWork Moorgate, from 6:15 to 8:15 pm. 

By looking at classic & contemporary songs from The Beatles to Billie Eilish, Dylan to Stormzy, we will discover the elements of what makes a great lyric and how to include them in our own writing. The evenings delve deeply into essential topics, including generating & developing Lyric ideas, effective Storytelling, Structure, Imagery, Metaphor, Rhyme, Rhythm, Singability, Wordplay & much, much more,

The course is £40 but there is currently a 15% discount of just £34. Book now and discover the tools to banish writers block forever!

Lyric Writing: The Essential Guide! – 2-Week Evening Course

“Such useful material covered. I’ll take these tools away & put them into practice”
“Interactive, eye-opening & 

The sessions are suitable for all songwriters, whether pure lyricists or composers. There’s free tea, coffee, water & other beverages.

Our next London weekend event is a Saturday Song Clinic near Goodge Street on the 8th February – bring your songs along for some constructive, professional in depth feedback.

“A really well organised and superb system for gathering feedback – genuinely illuminating! Thoroughly enjoyed it.” “The feedback is spot on and is invaluable in developing the songs I have written.”

Stay inspired and I look forward to seeing you at one of our events very soon ☺

Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year and wishing you all the very best for your songwriting in 2020 – whatever your ambitions, it literally does all begin with a song!

2019 was London Songwriters’ 10th Anniversary and our busiest year of the decade with 52 separate events including regular Lyric and Melody Writing Evening Courses, 3 Countryside Retreat Weeks as well as numerous Film & TV Writing Workshops and Song Critique sessions.

What are your New Year songwriting resolutions? Mine are to release more of my finished tracks and, as always, to write better and better songs.

To that aim, here are some upcoming events to supercharge your songwriting for the Twenties!

It’s the last chance to take our unique, low-cost, high-value Melody, Harmony & Hook Writing 4 Week Evening Course beginning 8th January in Moorgate, Central London. Join us for four weekly, interactive presentations with accompanying practical exercises on Wednesday 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th January at 6:15 pm.

Don’t miss out and sign up for the early-bird! It’s a great chance to learn or refresh the basics and lots of more advanced concepts too.

“A really helpful, eye-opening course, full of great ideas, tips & tricks”
“Opened up music theory, ear-training & encouraged me to learn an instrument”
“Great to visualise the melodies as well as hear them”

London Songwriters Melody Feedback

Finally, you can Spring into your Songwriting and sign up for a 10% discount on our next week-long Peak District countryside retreat, which takes place during the first week of April. There is just one place left. Follow the links for full details and testimonials.

We look forward to seeing you in 2020!

Christmas News 2019

London Songwriters Supporting Crisis At Christmas





Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from London Songwriters!

And we are looking forward to the New Year too… we are running our next Melody Writing Evening Course using the excellent classrooms and facilities of WeWork in Moorgate – you can book now at a Christmas 22% discount.

Also, don’t miss your last chance to register for a Christmas 10% discount on our magical Spring Peak District Retreat taking place in April – ONLY ONE PLACE LEFT!

As always we are raising money for the Crisis At Christmas homeless charity: 
Donate to Crisis At Christmas!

You can also donate by downloading our charity single It’s Christmas (Support The Crisis Charity!) – all proceeds to Crisis.

And you can stream our Christmas playlist from Spotify – don’t forget to follow us:

Here is the interview we did with London Live TV News about London Songwriters and about our work with Crisis in recent years. It hasn’t been possible to play the Day Centres this year but you can still support the charity.


Summer Camp and September Lyric Writing Course

September is lyric writing month and I will be running a three-part, weekly, interactive presentation course on Wednesday 25th and October 2nd and 9th in Central London starting at 6:15 pm. These sessions will delve deeply into essential topics, including generating writable ideas, effective Storytelling, Structure, Imagery, Metaphor, Rhyme, Singability, Meter, Wordplay and much more,

You can book at an early-bird 22% discounted price of just £47 instead of £60 until Sunday 15th September.

Also, I have just come back from a wonderful week igniting the creativity of 20 excellent writers on the fourth London Songwriters Summer Camp in Box Hill – great weather, collaborations, studio recording, song shares, campfire singalongs and comradeship, it had it all 

London Songwriters Summer Recording Camp 2019

London Songwriters Summer Camp Feedback



London Songwriters Summer Camp Firepit